My Go-To Protein Smoothie

This is my absolute favorite post workout smoothie. I have at least one a day and sometimes two if I’m teaching more than a couple classes. The thing about this smoothie is that it is so GOOD and keeps you going strong throughout the day.  It can also be used as a  meal replacement if you're looking for a quick breakfast or lunch.

The great thing about a smoothie as a meal replacement if you're monitoring calories is that you can’t overeat a smoothie. You make it, you drink it, and it's gone. No extra lingering around to tempt you.

If you are using it as a post workout snack, it’s great in order to provide the proper nutrition to your muscles. You don’t need a high carb bar or sugary drink after you work out. Our bodies can benefit with some easy-to-digest protein.

Having this smoothie after a workout or as a meal replacement can help curb your cravings and provide your body with the nutrition it needs.

Try it…. Just see what happens!


1 Cup milk:  (cow, almond, coconut, etc..)

1 Scoop protein powder:  My favorite whey powder is Pure Whey Vanilla:  It’s from grass-fed cows, hormone free, NON-GMO, all natural sweeteners, and no preservatives AND its very AFFORDABLE.  If you want a vegan powder I recommend:  Vega Sport Protein Powder, Vanilla.

1 Scoop Naked Peanut Butter:  This is a kitchen staple for so many reasons- you must try it!

2-3 cups spinach:  You can use any greens but I find spinach does not take away from the flavor of this smoothie.

1 TBSP cocoa nibs:  If you are a chocolate lover you YOU MUST TRY THEM!   The texture and taste it adds to your smoothie is so good.  I will be dedicating an entire blog post to Cocoa Nibs soon.  The brand I use is Anthonys Organic Cocoa Nibs.

1 date:  Be sure to take the pit out   The date is optional but I love the natural sweetness as well as texture it adds- here is a good deal on amazon: Made in Nature Organic Super Snacks, Dates, 32 Ounce.

3-6 drops liquid stevia: If you like extra sweetness, my favorite is Sweet Leaf Vanilla Creme Stevia.

6-12 cubes of ICE!  Depends how thick you like it and how well your blender works. If you are in need of a good blender, I use a Blendtec and LOVE IT!

Blend away friends! It's as good as a milkshake and will help curb your cravings because it is that satisfying!

Total calories depend on what kind of milk you use but it’s approximately 300-350 Calories.  I’m certain this smoothie will satisfy any craving you might have and keep you going strong.